Kindergarten through Sixth Grade Curriculum
English Language Arts
The Bookworms Framework is used in for reading and writing. The reading program uses a mixture of whole language and phonics. The John Collins Writing program is used along with this in grades K-12. We also stress that students write in all subjects and that writing is a vital part of learning. We call this writing across the curriculum and writing to learn.
The Eureka Math2 program is proven to be a best practice and helps the children to learn the concepts in mathematics and not just the processes. We are very proud of this excellent program.
Science kits developed by the Battle Creek Area Math and Science Center are used in K-6th grades. This excellent program has been purchased by many schools outside of the tri-county area.
Social Studies
The Calhoun Intermediate School District has developed a Social Studies program with the help of area teachers and schools. This is used in grades K-6th.
English Language Arts
The Bookworms Framework is used in for reading and writing. The reading program uses a mixture of whole language and phonics. The John Collins Writing program is used along with this in grades K-12. We also stress that students write in all subjects and that writing is a vital part of learning. We call this writing across the curriculum and writing to learn.
The Eureka Math2 program is proven to be a best practice and helps the children to learn the concepts in mathematics and not just the processes. We are very proud of this excellent program.
Science kits developed by the Battle Creek Area Math and Science Center are used in K-6th grades. This excellent program has been purchased by many schools outside of the tri-county area.
Social Studies
The Calhoun Intermediate School District has developed a Social Studies program with the help of area teachers and schools. This is used in grades K-6th.
Long Term Curriculum Plan Under Construction
Curriculum Maps:
English Language Arts Resources:
K-1 Writing Rubric for Informational Writing